Neuropsychological Services
Neuropsychology is the study of brain-behavior relationships. Board certification in Clinical Neuropsychology is important when trusting your provider with making brain-based clinical diagnoses. At Sid Binks & Associates, rest-assured you have that level of expertise guiding your evaluation and treatment.
A neuropsychological evaluation is intended to explore many different kinds of brain functions. Understanding areas of strength and weakness as well as dysfunction and impairment can shed light on an individual’s successes and failures. It helps to make an accurate differential diagnosis, develop accommodation strategies, and, make medication and rehabilitation recommendations. Sometimes, an individual with generally normal functioning still can have significant intracognitive strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these can be very helpful when making decisions about educational and vocational choices. Neuropsychological evaluation typically includes a thorough measure of many brain functions such as:
General Intelligence (IQ)
Academic Achievement
Attention Skills
Processing Speed Capacity
Executive Functioning – including cognitive flexibility, categorization skills, problem-solving ability, capacity for abstraction, reasoning and conceptualization
Memory – including short-term memory, working memory, learning and long-term storage in both verbal and visuospatial domains
Visuospatial Skills – including perception, processing and conceptualization
Language Skills – including word finding, fluency, expression, perception, processing and conceptualization
Motor Skills – including fine/gross-motor speed/strength/coordination
Sensory Skills – including audition, vision and tactile sensation
Adaptive/Functional Living Skills
Emotional Functioning – including personality and psychiatric functioning
There are many situations that my trigger the need for a neuropsychological evaluation to increase clinical understanding.
These include:
Neurocognitive Impact of Brain Development/Diseases/Injuries/Surgery
Developmental Disorders (Intellectual Disability, Autism & Learning Disorders)
Dementia (Alzheimer’s, Vascular, Huntington’s, Frontotemporal, Semantic, Lewy Body)
Memory/Amnestic Disorders
Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Multiple Sclerosis
Brain Tumor
Epilepsy/Seizure History
Parkinson’s Disease
Brain Surgery
Schizophrenia, Major Depression & Bipolar Disorder
Neurocognitive Impact of Physical Illnesses
Metabolic Syndrome (Hypertension, Hypocholesterolemia, Type II Diabetes & Obesity)
Type I Diabetes Mellitus
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Oxygen Deprivation (Sleep Apnea, Drowning, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, etc.)
Lyme Disease
Neurocognitive Impact of Medications/Drugs of Abuse
Pain Medication & Barbiturates
K2 (Synthetic Marijuana) & Marijuana